1999 Jan. - July — thanksgiving — Ritter Writes

1999 Jan. - July

A Field at Anathoth

A Field at Anathoth

While we still, as of this moment, have two open positions on our program staff, absolutely no one has come to Gary Morris or myself suggesting that we interview Jeremiah. Jeremiah wouldn’t fit here. For the fact of the matter is, Jeremiah never fit anywhere. Not in his time…. which was 600 years before the birth of Jesus. Not in his place….which was the kingdom of Judah (roughly half of present-day Israel).

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Honk If You Love Jesus

Honk If You Love Jesus

Those of you who date back to my early years in Birmingham will no doubt remember a Palm Sunday Steeple Notes article, wherein I told you that there is no mention of “palms” in the synoptic Gospels. “Branches” is what the record states. Not “palm branches.” Just “branches.” They could have been palms, for there are plenty of palms in Israel. They should have been palms, for no branch makes a better carpet. They must have been palms, for it is hard to imagine my Sunday School teacher as being wrong. Palms is what I remember.

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Table Manners

Table Manners

Have you ever been watched while you eat? Years ago, my mother told me that people would notice the way I ate and draw conclusions about me….and about the people who raised me. To some extent, she was right.

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When All the Colors in the Crayon Box are Gray

When All the Colors in the Crayon Box are Gray

Wow, these guys are good. I mean, really good. I am talking about Nielson and Young and what they can do when they apply four hands, four feet, two minds, two hearts, four thumbs and sixteen fingers to the 176 keys (72 black, 104 white) and the six pedals of two pianos. This isn’t just pounding out a few tunes, here. This is about striking a few chords, here. And touching a few hearts, here. Ah, the miracle of the musical. How sweet it is. And how blessed we are.

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