
But What If They Find the Body?

But What If They Find the Body?

I have no aptitude for criminology, but this much I know. If you are going to put someone on trial for murder, it helps to have a corpse. I am sure people have been convicted without one, just as I am sure that life insurance claims have been settled without one. But in both criminal cases and insurance cases, it’s helpful to have one. Corpses bring closure.

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Who Invited You?

Who Invited You?

As dreams go, I am not one of those people who regularly records them….or even remembers them. Those of you who have made a wintertime visit to the parsonage (necessitating a need to take your coats to the second floor), know that there is no notepad on my nightstand. So when I suddenly wake from my bed, I write none of the things in my head. Which might be informing. But much too demanding.

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